Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fire Breathing Mermaids

Another fictional character will be the Mermaids that can breath fire out of water an in. Kind of like welding under water.

What I'm Working On

As I have said earlier, I still in the early stages of developing my characters. Dragon Boy is just one of the many exciting new characters that I am working on. I plan to add my twist to Mermaids and some other unusual fictional figures as well. If you have any ideas that you would like to share, feel free to comment. I would love to hear from you!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dragon Lady

Let me introduce you to Dargon Lady. She is a character that I am developing for a comic book that I am planning on publishing. Everything is in the early stages so far. All I can say is keep posted!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This Blog of Mine

I go by the name of Betsy Michael when I draw. Only for the fact that it is my maiden name. I've always have been interested in drawing ever since a child. In high school I took three years of commercial art and during that time I started to work with a silkscreen company which lasted six years. I enjoyed working as an silkscreen printer, but, alas I was another starving artist. It was not until these last few years that I've gotten back into the groove of creating art again. Here are a few of my latest drawings that I've been working on.